General Information

The Toad's Words had its beginnings in 1997 when I started e-mailing some of my favorite words and their definitions to my friends. (Doesn't everybody?). It all started when I was going into work before 7 am because I had to drop my daughter off at school for an early chemistry class. I am somewhat punchy at 7 in the morning so one morning I wrote down a few words that I had recently been enthralled with. Well, it gradually got out of hand and the result is this web site.

I always include each word in a sentence to show its usage and try to ultimately use all of the words in the final sentence. I now try to see to it that all of the words used in a single excursion have some relationship to each other. That relationship can be as simple as being the particular words that I took a fancy to that day. The various excursions thus far have resulted in an interesting dialog with my readers.

I call the feature The Toad's Words. Why? You might ask. Well, I am not totally sure. In the beginning there was a very logical reason. In retrospect, I think my logic was flawed. However, there now seems to be a quaint American essence to the name, and people seem to like it.  So there you have it!

Revised: August 27, 2000

Copyright © by Michael L. VanBlaricum, 04 September 2000.

All Rights Reserved.

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