Trombone lines from The Music Man In order of presentation:
"He's a music man and he sells clarinets to the kids in the town with the big trombone and the ratatat drums and the big brass bass, big brass bass." - Act 1, Scene 1 -Salesman #2
"Welll - I don't know much about bands, but I do know you can't make a livin' sellin' big trombones or ratatat drums - No sir." - Act 1, Scene 1 - Salesman #1
"Think, my friends, how could any pool table hope to compete with a gold trombone?" - Act 1, Scene 4 - Harold Hill
"Seventy-six trombones led the big parade." - Act 1, Scene 4 - Harold Hill - Seventy-Six Trombones
"Seventy-six trombones caught the morning sun." - Act 1, Scene 4 - Harold Hill - Seventy-Six Trombones
"Seventy-six trombones hit the counterpoint." - Act 1, Scene 4 - Harold Hill - Seventy-Six Trombones
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- 5 March 1999
Updated - 3 December 2009